5 Ways FCC Initiatives Impact Americans

Look at These Five Ways FCC Initiatives Impact Americans Every Day

  • Faster Mobile Internet Services
  • Lower-priced Internet Services
  • Fewer Robocalls and Punishments for Spoofers
  • Improved Access to Telecommunications for Healthcare
  • Better Communications for People With Disabilities

A lot of Americans wonder how different branches of the federal government benefit them, and these five ways the FCC initiatives impact Americans are a good place to start. Each of these five benefits are direct consequences of initiatives enacted by the FCC. Understanding these benefits helps a person get a clearer picture of why the FCC is important.

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1. Faster Mobile Internet Services

Today’s smartphones are set up to handle multiple complex tasks at once. People want to stream music, text with a friend and play a game at the same time. They want to be able to do this from anywhere in the country. One of the FCC’s initiatives is the 5G Fast Data plan. This aims to bring the whole country up to 5G data speeds so that everyone can enjoy fast mobile internet service.

2. Lower-priced Internet Services

Another initiative of the FCC is to improve access to the internet, especially among low-income and rural Americans. The FCC initiative called Restoring Internet Freedom aims to decrease the cost of internet services for everyone. The plan is to do this through improved infrastructure and public-private partnerships. The FCC is working on policies that will promote competitive pricing, reduce old regulations that no longer apply and promote investments for the development of better broadband services throughout the USA.

5 Ways FCC Initiatives Impact Americans

3. Fewer Robocalls and Punishments for Spoofers

According to the FCC, another one of its initiatives is focused on decreasing robocalls. A related part of this initiative is getting rid of spoofers. Spoofing refers to a marketer changing their phone number so that it appears to be a local number when it reaches a person’s caller ID. Since a person is more likely to answer a call from a local number, more of those marketing calls get answered. People get frustrated by the robocalls and spoofers, and many of those calls are scams.

4. Improved Access to Telecommunications for Healthcare

People who live in rural areas and small towns in the United States often lack access to specialist doctors and high-level trauma care. The FCC wants to increase telehealth services to people who are in this situation. For example, a person with an endocrine disorder who lives in a small town might have to drive 100 miles in order to see an endocrinologist. With telehealth services, the person could have a video call with the specialist. That call could be done at their local doctor’s office, health clinic or home.

5. Better Communications for People With Disabilities

People with disabilities such as hearing loss, deafness, deafness and blindness, speech impairment and mobility disorders often have a difficult time of using a traditional telephone or cellphone. Some smartphones may also be difficult for them to use. Another initiative of the FCC is to increase the level of access to telephone and voice services for people who live with one of these disabilities.

Americans need to know how policies, rules and regulations from the FCC and other agencies benefit them. Knowing about these initiatives and how they impact Americans on a routine basis makes it easier for people to understand the agency’s purpose and why taxpayers should support it. Each of these five ways FCC initiatives impact Americans has a direct impact on multiple types of communications.

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