5 Memorable Advertising Campaigns

5 Unforgettable Ad Campaigns to Inspire Communications Students

  • Just Do It
  • A Diamond Is Forever
  • Old Spice
  • Budweiser’s Whassup
  • Don’t Mess With Texas

Memorable advertising campaigns are often helmed by communications degree holders. Coursework in communications teaches business skills like market analysis and how to speak to consumers. Most programs also offer hands-on work designing sample campaigns so graduates have a portfolio to show potential employers. Here are five unforgettable commercial campaigns for students searching for a special pinch of inspiration.

1. Just Do It

Nike has been using the same slogan for decades for a reason: It works. The shoe brand is a global juggernaut, with product lines from Air Jordans to sporting apparel. The brand recently launched a controversial ad starring Colin Kaepernick, an NFL star who’s drawn both fire and praise for kneeling while the national anthem is played. What few people are talking about is the bottom of the ad, where the iconic Nike swoosh and “Just do it” slogan can be seen, just like in every Nike print ad for the last 30 years.

2. A Diamond Is Forever

Unlike oil, copper or cadmium, diamonds offer little value beyond an attractive sparkle. Yet somehow, diamonds are one of the most iconic natural resources, and almost every American woman — not to mention quite a few men — owns one. How did this happen? It took an iconic advertising campaign from De Beers Jewellers in the 1950s that literally created the concept of engagement rings. Now, most women wouldn’t dream of accepting a proposal without a “girl’s best friend” to sweeten the deal.

3. Old Spice

With their quirky commercials, Old Spice has dominated the antiperspirant and deodorant market. Thanks to their clever, funny ads, everyone’s familiar with the Old Spice brand. According to Business Insider, the ads were viewed millions of times on social media and pushed Old Spice’s consumer recognition numbers to new heights.

4. Budweiser’s Whassup

For a short period in the late 90s, it seemed like every man under the age of 60 was greeting his friends with a drawled “Whassup?” Budweiser hit the Super Bowl market strong with their iconic commercial showing young, hip men greeting each other with this new slang. It didn’t take long for millions of viewers to start copying the ad.

5. Don’t Mess With Texas

Not all classic advertising campaigns come from the corporate world. The famous “Don’t Mess With Texas” slogan was created by the Texas Department of Transportation, according to The Smithsonian. The motto served a double meaning by reminding motorists not to mess with the land of Texas by littering but also calling on Texans to feel some civic pride for the tough state. The department launched their campaign during the annual Cotton Bowl, a long-running Texas football event. They tapped into the star power of Texas native Stevie Ray Vaughan and produced a commercial that viewers were clamoring to see. Today, the slogan is still going strong, inspiring a new generation of Texans to respect the state.

Communicating with clients, bosses, and co-workers is one of the most valuable skills that any employee can have. These five examples show how simple but powerful language can have a lasting impact. A good communications degree program teaches these skills and more to help students pursue rewarding careers and create memorable advertising campaigns

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