5 Jobs in Intercultural Communication

Five Great Careers in Intercultural Communication

  • International Education Coordinator
  • Translator
  • Intercultural Trainer
  • Refugee Counselor
  • Mediator

Intercultural communication is a field that is rarely spoken about but necessary in America. With diverse communities continuing to grow in the country, it has become clear that intercultural communicators will be the biggest contributors to helping diverse populations who may be dealing with conflicts within their own communities. The following five career paths are a great place to start researching for those interested in this field.

1. International Education Coordinator

America is one of the highest valued countries for high school and college students from other parts of the world. As such, there has been an increased need for international education coordinators. This is a position that sees independent contractors create a network of volunteer host families within their own communities for exchange students; the normal length of stay is about one year for students. They are also tasked with helping academically advise the student during their stay in the country. The career can also lead to working in global education at colleges and universities, which provides students with a great salary while building out the school’s exchange student program.

2. Translator

CNBC reports that there are at least 350 languages spoken throughout the United States. That means that there are several communities in which English is a second language; it also means that translators are needed. From healthcare to education, business to community services, the need for qualified professionals who speak more than one language is needed. This is especially true for communities who have a large number of residents from other countries. Translators work in every sector and are often paid handsomely for the linguistic skills; however, they are more valued if they can teach their skills to professionals already at work in the field.

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3. Intercultural Trainer

Intercultural trainers, just like translators, are finding themselves in high demand. That’s because many cultures work together in both national and international situations. Intercultural trainers focus on building a communication system between multiple cultures and languages and range from working in community services to serving in the military as an embedded trainer in a squadron headed overseas. This career path is not the same for everyone and depends on a professional’s academic and work background as well as their ambitions and goals, but it is possible to find a path in every sector in the country.

4. Refugee Counselor

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that there are more than 65 million displaced people around the world; 22.5 million of those people are refugees. The agency also reports that 16 percent of those refugees are hosted in the Americas. This means that refugee counselors are a necessity in America. They often work with charities and the United States government in order to settle refugees in communities as well as to help them acclimate to their new surroundings.

5. Mediator

Mediators who have a specialty in this area are finding themselves busy these days. From immigration cases to helping diverse communities with different conflicts, these professionals are at the forefront of helping intercultural populations solve their conflicts without the need for full court cases. Mediators can be found in every community in the country, but most work in metropolitan areas as well as in cities with a large intercultural population. They can also work with Americans who live and work abroad.

As America continues to diversify in terms of cultures, it’s important to remember that intercultural specialists are there to help ease communities and individuals in times of transition. While many of these professionals work abroad, a growing number of them are finding work in the country. Anyone interested in intercultural communication as a career path will find this short list of possible job opportunities useful and are advised that the field is just as diverse as the populations it serves.

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