What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a broad term that describes the many different tactics used to increase the visibility of online content in popular search engines. This practice of optimizing websites and written content for search engines has been around for decades. However, specific techniques and strategies are constantly changing to keep pace with developments in internet and online search technology. Anyone interested in digital marketing should at least understand the basics of SEO and why they are absolutely essential for success in online business.

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Understanding Search Engines

Search engines are software utilities designed to help users find information on the internet based on specific queries. These complex programs, which are sometimes called bots, constantly search available destinations and catalogue them based on their nature, subject, and perceived quality. Search engine algorithms attempt to give users links to information that is high-quality and relevant to their search query. Engine algorithms are updated frequently, so priorities for digital marketers can shift completely in a matter of months.

Written Content and Keywords

In the early days of SEO, including relevant keywords in written content was the go-to strategy for digital marketers. Written material is still important, but there is a lot more to it than simply including the right words and phrases. Search engine algorithms are constantly upgraded to better curate online information, so they may penalize material that lacks substance, credibility or if it includes repetitive or plagiarized content. Frequency and freshness of written content also matters, so periodically posting new blogs or articles can significantly increase SEO potential.

Site Design and User Traffic

Many search engines, including Google, also rates individual websites based on viewer retention rates. The engine algorithm detects how long users stay on a website before leaving as a measurement of the site’s usability and functionality. This measurement is also known as a bounce rate and it can be devastating to search engine rankings if it gets too high, according to Forbes. Successful online businesses and marketers request feedback from website users so they can address sources of customer confusion or frustration.

Offsite SEO Opportunities

There are some aspects of search engine optimization that are technically out of the hands of a website owner. Search engines also rank sites according to their authority, which reflects the accuracy and detail of the information provided. Building a collection of quality links from offsite sources is essential for establishing authority. Some search engine algorithms also factor in online reviews when determining results ranking, especially for commercial topics. Encouraging customers to leave reviews, and ensuring they are mostly positive, can improve SEO and boost customer confidence.

Some local and niche businesses can get away with a minimal online presence, but most modern businesses can’t afford to neglect the digital marketplace. Many small companies derive a substantial portion of sales through the internet and consumers usually investigate companies online before purchasing their products. Boosting a website’s ranking through diligent search engine optimization can provide immense value through organic traffic, as opposed to viewers who were directed to the site from a sponsored advertisement.

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